Five Sentence Fiction: Abandon

dragon tail, abandon, five sentence fiction, last krystallos

© Lisa Shambrook

Sabrina clasped Adam’s hand as they dashed into the split of rock at the foot of the towering cliff, and they tumbled to the floor in a giggling tangle of limbs and sodden clothes. Their hearts pounded and adrenalin surged, and the thin cotton t-shirts plastered to their skin held no further secrets.

Sabrina stared up into Adam’s dark eyes and let her fingers drag across his thigh, across his drenched jeans, her breath rasping with both exhaustion and desire. She forgot their picnic down in the meadow, now drowned beneath heaven’s cascade, and decided not to forsake her hunger…

The storm growled through the cave, like a rumbling belly, and behind the amorous couple a silent tail whipped patiently back and forth as the amused dragon’s main course and dessert quickly removed their packaging…

five sentence fiction

This prompt spoke to me in many ways…abandon…and this story idea made me smile, so I hope it tickled you too!

Fly over to Lillie McFerrin’s Five Sentence Fiction to see more!

22 thoughts on “Five Sentence Fiction: Abandon

  1. Lillie McFerrin

    I adore your writing!!! I was smiling in the beginning because it’s such a lovely image of love, and then I was excited to read more after the last sentence. You always set a perfect scene for adventure 🙂

    1. Lisa Shambrook Post author

      You deserve great thanks, because your introduction to flash fiction with FSF, a few years ago now, has spawned many, many adventures…and more to come! Woo hoo Lillie xxx


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