Beneath the Rainbow Book Talk: WI

Yesterday, I hid my nerves and set out for my very first book talk.
Last November our local WI (Women’s Institute) booked me for a talk about ‘Beneath the Rainbow’ and I spent time deciding how to present my book to its best effect.


WI Display ‘Beneath the Rainbow’

I took Bekah, my daughter along for support, and we arrived early to set up, then we relaxed while the ladies went through their business meeting. This not only helped to keep me calm but meant I was able to gauge my audience. This was a lovely group of ladies, and they matched the WI theme ‘Inspiring Women’…it was great to give my first presentation to such a positive and supportive group!

I introduced myself and talked of my love of reading, writing, and creativity, before moving onto my book and its central themes. I chose to use photographs and pictures, including some from my book trailer, to illustrate my talk. This served two purposes: to allow me prompts on their reverse and to engage the audience with images. Images are so intrinsic to the way you want to paint with words that pictures are a really good prop, and were received with enthusiasm.


WI book presentation

I mingled questions in regard to the book themes to the audience during the talk to encourage interaction and got a great response. I closed by reading an excerpt of the book. It is heartening and incredibly reassuring to receive nods, and smiles, and applause!


Author Lisa Shambrook reading ‘Beneath the Rainbow’ excerpt

I then opened the floor to questions, and enjoyed sharing my answers with these lovely ladies. Questions included:
Do I write shorthand on paper or on a computer?
What age range is my book suitable for?
Do I have any specific writing qualifications?
How did I get published?
Am I writing a sequel or any further book?

The WI showed me much warmth and invited me to draw for their raffle and to judge their ‘favourite book’ competition. I was congratulated on my confidence, my display and my presentation! My nerves didn’t show and I am very grateful for my history of teaching at church, which has allowed me confidence in front of a group!

I handed out free ‘Beneath the Rainbow’ bookmarks and chat with the women, made a few paperback sales and signed books!
I have much appreciation for this group of women who made my first presentation enjoyable and fun. I am now confidently available for further talks and book chats! Check out my website: for details and how to contact me.

Note: March 6th is WORLD BOOK DAY and ‘Beneath the Rainbow’ will be on offer on Kindle at just 77p or $0.99 AmazonUK and Amazon US

Lisa Shambrook World Book Day 2014 Quote

World Book Day March 6th 2014

8 thoughts on “Beneath the Rainbow Book Talk: WI

  1. Sophie Moss

    This is so wonderful, Lisa! Congratulations on your first book talk! I have never done one before so I’m taking notes to use for my first one, whenever that happens. I love the idea of providing pictures along with your presentation. You know how much I loved your book and I’m so glad you’re getting out there and sharing it with the world! 🙂

  2. monabliss

    That is so cool! Congrats on a great presentation and on being such a lovely ambassador for reading and writing. I hope you get invited to many more.

  3. Kern Windwraith

    That’s terrific, Lisa. I’m surprised you weren’t vibrating with fear, but you look very calm and in control in the photos! I just popped over to and bought a copy of Beneath the Rainbow–looking forward to diving in.


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