Who am I, and who are you? A Guide to Being Yourself…

How to be yourself and love who you are…

who am I and who are you, a short guide to being yoursefl, bio, about me, being yourself,

I was in a good place when I began blogging, way back in February 2010, and my very first post was about being happy and being myself.

not-all-wander-lost-the-last-krystallos-tolkienIt had taken a long time to get to a comfortable place within myself. Quoted from my first post: I turned from a quiet and shy schoolgirl, into a teenager caught within a cage of responsibility, desperately trying to assert and rebel, to a young woman finding love and needing acceptance, but I had no idea who I was… I become a wife and a mother, but who was I? In my twenties, I had no idea who I was…now, two decades later, I do.

How do you know who you are?

You be yourself.

Not always easy, and it makes me recall the meme… ‘Always be yourself, unless you can be a unicorn then always be a unicorn.’ We very often try to be something/someone we’re not. The answer is in my quote above…acceptance. Accept who you are, love who you are, be a decent human being, be who you are, and make no apologies for it.

Meyer Briggs 16 personalitiesHow do you tell others who you are?

I remember trying to write bios for my author pages, blog and website, and having no idea how to describe myself. I decided to go poetic for my blog ‘About Me’, and more personal on my website, but it’s difficult to cram your entire personality into a few paragraphs. We, human beings, cannot be described in a matter of a few sentences!

When you write your bios and about me narratives, try to keep to your own style, show who you are within the words you use, and draw people in. Most of all – be yourself!

If you’re anything like me, you love exploring who you are, and I’m often distracted by a plethora of Buzzfeed quizzes! The only one that really hits the point for me, though, is the Myers Briggs test… so indulge and see what you are with one or all of these Myers Briggs versions: Personality WorldPrelude Character Analysis and 16 Personalities…enjoy!

Her sentences were icebergs - Gregory Galloway

And, so, what am I?

I am compassionate, an observer, a writer, a thinker, and a dreamer. I believe in myself. I’m an idealist and a perfectionist. I’m an artist, with an eye for beauty and elegance. I’m a loner, a star-gazer, a cloud-watcher, a wanderer, and a romantic. I’m emotion and love. I am waves upon the ocean, the wind in the trees, and the morning sun resting on your skin. I am broken and unfinished. I am whole. I am INFJ, I’m intricate, and I’m complicated. I am lost and found, and a cliché. I’m an empath, an introvert and a warrior…and, oh, so much more.

 And what are you?

9 thoughts on “Who am I, and who are you? A Guide to Being Yourself…

  1. Let's CUT the Crap!

    I believe I’m lucky. I’ve never wondered about who I was. I always chose the path that worked for me and found myself in the right place at the right time. I’m happy with who I am and satisfied with life as far as I can control it. 😮

  2. Nick Johns

    INTJ through and through. Jeff Hollar and I share this type. I wonder if this has a bearing on how similar our stories sometimes are?

  3. Pingback: Never Changing Who I Am – Believe in Yourself | The Last Krystallos

  4. Pingback: The Journey to Becoming Who You Are… | The Last Krystallos

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